Lauren LeMunyan Lauren LeMunyan

Episode 169: 3 Things Middle Managers Need to Manage Up and Down (And Build Trust)

Middle managers are feeling the squeeze from both directions. And guess what’s oozing out… patience, productivity, and peace.

Hear what three things you can do not just to manage the situation, but build trust and respect with both parties.

Episode 169: 3 Things Middle Managers Need to Do
Lauren LeMunyan, The Spitfire Podcast

Middle managers are feeling the squeeze from both directions. And guess what’s oozing out… patience, productivity, and peace.

In today's episode, Lauren shares a recent coaching session with a mid-level manager who is trying to deliver a change in priorities from the top while getting pushback from the people they manage.

Hear what three things you can do not just to manage the situation, but build trust and respect with both parties.

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Lauren LeMunyan Lauren LeMunyan

Episode 168: Why Your "Why" Doesn't Matter

Episode 168: Why Your "Why" Doesn't Matter
The Spitfire Podcast, Lauren LeMunyan

Do you find yourself constantly asking or answering "Why" questions?

Why did it happen?

Why do I feel this way?

Why did you do it that way?

Why didn't you think of that?

What do you hear with these questions? If you guessed judgment, you'd be right.

Hear what questions you should be asking instead and why "why" just doesn't matter.

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