Episode 33: Getting Punky with Lex Monson, Co-Founder of Punk Post

Episode 33: Lex Monson, Co-Founder of Punk Post
The SpitFire Podcast, Lauren LeMunyan

Sure you get a ton of messages on your Facebook wall when it's your birthday or a special occasion, but what if someone took the time to send you a special message?

That's exactly what inspired Lex Monson, the co-founder of Punk Post. She wanted to give the middle finger to lazy half-assed communication by creating custom cards from people who care.

I talked to Lex about the challenges of growth, the need for self-care and how many workouts are acceptable before a shower is necessary.

Check out Punk Post at www.punkpost.co 


Episode 34: Behind the Lens with Cerissa Photography


Episode 32: Andromeda Peters, Miss Virginia - Passion Through Pageantry